Concept and Background
Stand was created for people who want to support small and local businesses while tapping into the convenience of e-commerce.
The app was created to reduce the barriers for small businesses to get online easily and to make it more simple for consumers to find and purchase local items reducing reliance on big business online retailers. Redirecting that spending locally.
This concept app was designed by myself and two of my groupmates in our CPSC-4220 class. This was an MBA and undergraduate dual-enrolled Intro to UX Design class at Seattle University.
Our Tools
Miro (Whiteboarding)
Microsoft Teams
9 weeks
Discovering local businesses and small eCommerce businesses is a challenge. It's equally challenging for small businesses to get online and set up an eccomerce site.
Doordash and UberEats solve this for restaurants, what if there were something similar for retail businesses?
Our primary persona, Morea, is a recent college grad who works as a social media manager at a local winery. She loves shopping for unique products and supporting local businesses.
Jenny is our secondary persona because she represents the business owners who will be using the app to sell their products. Stand represents a new avenue to find an audience of customers.
The design sketches are our initial low fidelity prototypes. We drafted them separately and then came together as a team to solidify our vision. Ranking the sketches was an important step in creating our Information Architecture and paper prototypes as we had a better idea of what to prioritize. Each frame was annotated and grouped in Miro as we collaborated.
Information Architecture
We started with the pages we knew we would need like an account page, tracking page, etc. We then thought of all the sub-pages that would be necessary like solutions to manage account information, login, a cart, and messaging. These secondary pages informed what needed to be done for the wireframe assignment. For each of the boxes in the site map, there is a prototyped page in the final prototype.
"Paper" Prototype
We took a few steps up from our sketches and added new details that were suggested to us by our peers, such as labels on the map page, and the reorganization of information on the home screen.
Due to us working virtually, our "paper" prototypes used arrows to indicate functionality.
Wireframes were created in Figma with annotations indicating primary functionality. These were put up for critique and aided us in improving the product as we moved to full fidelity.
User Testing
After full fidelity prototypes were completed we carried out user testing on individuals resembling our primary persona. Interviews were conducted and recorded. We gave users tasks to complete and watched as they attempted to complete them taking notes of road bumps and comments as they went.
We noted needs for specific changes and conducted an interview after the testing was completed to capture general sentiment and thoughts. All of our observations were measured against hypotheses and KPIs created beforehand. This was summarized in a report.
Read More
Our original final report can be found here with more images of our product and additional explanation.